

Category: Cardiovascular


Dyslipidemia is one of the ''wealthy diseases'' that people talks about. The damage to the body is a slow, gradually aggravating concealment process. Most of the dyslipidemia itself has no obvious symptoms, and it is difficult to find it without a blood lipid test. If dyslipidemia is allowed to develop naturally and not controlled, once the disease gets worse, the damage is often irreversible.

1. Epidemiology
At present, the prevalence of dyslipidemia in adults aged ≥18 years in my country is 18.6%, and the prevalence rates of people aged 18-44, 45-49 and ≥60 years are 17.0%, 22.9% and 23.4% respectively; my country is currently ≥18 years old, the number of dyslipidemia patients is estimated to be as much as 180 million.

2. High risk factors
1. Genetic factors: The increase in blood lipids in a small number of people is determined by genetic factors
2. Dietary factors:
    Saturated fat: Such as excessive intake of red meat, fatty meat and other foods
    High-sugar diet: Strengthen sugar metabolism and increase fat synthesis
3. Overweight and obesity: Not only increases the fat tissue in the body, but also increases the lipids in the blood.
4. Other factors: Long-term inactivity or less exercise, alcoholism, etc.

3. Life advice
A. Dietary recommendations
1. Control body weight (BMI is between 18.5-23.9). For overweight or obese people, control total calorie intake appropriately.

BMI= Weight (kg)/height 2 (m2)
BMI Range Evaluation
<18.5 Thin
18.5-23.9 Standard
24~27.9 Overweight
≥28  Obesity

2. Eat a light diet with less oil, and eat seven full for each meal. It is recommended to try not to eat high-fat and high-cholesterol foods, such as fatty meat, animal offal, squid, fried food, etc., at most one egg a day.

3. Eat 1 catty of fresh vegetables and half a catty of fruits every day. Half of the staple food is replaced with whole grains, beans and potatoes. The abundant dietary fiber can help control blood lipids.

4. The diet is light, the cooking method is mainly stewed and steamed, and the cooking oil is controlled at 25-30 grams per day. When cooking meat, it is recommended to remove fat, chicken skin, etc.

5. Reduce or eliminate fried foods and processed foods containing trans fatty acids, such as snacks, cakes, etc.

6. Drink 300 grams of milk or an equivalent amount of milk products every day.

7. The unsaturated fatty acids rich in deep-sea fish, the sulfides in garlic and onions, the polysaccharides in mushrooms and fungus, and the tea polyphenols in green tea have good effects in regulating blood lipids and preventing arteriosclerosis. You can eat more appropriately.

8. Drink water frequently, small amounts, more than 2000ml a day (mineral water, boiled water, weak tea, etc.).

B. Exercise recommendations
Exercise principle: Regular exercise can help lower blood lipids. It is recommended to perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercises for more than 30 minutes a day or more than 150 minutes per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, taijiquan, dancing, etc.
Number    Plan content
1             Walk for 10,000 steps
2             Walk briskly for 40 minutes after dinner (until your heart beats faster and you sweat slightly)
3             Jog for 30 minutes
4             Swimming for 800 meters
5             Cycling for 40 minutes
6             Tai Chi for 45 minutes
7             Square dance for 30 minutes
1. Exercise under the guidance of a doctor and avoid strenuous exercise
2. If part of the exercise is not up to the standard, you can follow the principle of gradual, according to your ability, appropriate reduction

C. Other suggestions
1. Take blood lipid-lowering drugs as directed by your doctor, and do not stop or reduce the dose at will.
2. Avoid being emotional, keep a happy mood, and prevent the occurrence of hypertension.
4. Dietary supplement recommendations
1. Lecithin
Lecithin is a natural emulsifier, which is beneficial to the smooth metabolism of human fat and reduces the pressure of the liver to metabolize fat. At the same time, it emulsifies and metabolizes human junk toxins, reduces the pressure on the bile ducts, and is beneficial to the metabolism and ablation of stones. Nutra-Life Lecithin is a pure lecithin extracted from soybeans, which helps the body metabolize fat and supports the health of the liver and digestive system. Lecithin is a fat-based nutrient that can also maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Each tablet contains 1200mg of high-grade lecithin.


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